Life is like the Waves in the Ocean


I believe that life is much like the waves in the ocean, characterized by the natural ebb and flow of emotions and experiences. Each wave represents the interconnectedness of our individual journeys within the oceanic vastness of existence. This continuous and transformative nature of life offers profound opportunities for growth and reconciliation. And at the same time we are invited to discover what lies in the depths of the ocean and to learn about what moves our waves.

My offerings are designed to guide you through these waves as well as in to the depth of the ocean with compassion and expertise. Whether you are navigating the waves of grief, integrating transformative experiences, diving in to the dephts of consciousness, or you or a loved one are approaching the end of life, I am here to support you every step of the way.

Join me on a journey of self-discovery and transformation, and learn to ride the waves of life with grace and resilience.

My Offerings

In all my offerings, you lead the way with your wishes, needs, values, and beliefs. I am here to serve you with compassion and respect, never imposing, but always guiding you with the care and support you deserve.

My approach and spiritual background

My approach to the work I offer and my own spiritual path have been inspired by teachers like Joan Halifax, Frank Ostaseski, and the profound teachings of the Upaya Zen Center, as well as the Authentic Presence movement and many others. They taught me how to cultivate presence and compassion - the fundamental pillars of my work.
Although many of these teachings are grounded in the Buddhist tradition, I do not consider myself a Buddhist and am not part of any religious or spiritual organization. And even though some of the practices I offer are drawn from or inspired by Buddhism, I often adapt them to make them more accessible to everyone. It is important for me not to impose any beliefs and to remain open to ideas from various traditions, as well as new findings in modern science.
Above all, the beliefs and spiritual backgrounds of my clients lead the way in our work together. It is essential to me that everyone I work with feels free to apply or discover their own ideas and relationship to life. My goal is to create a safe and supportive environment where clients can explore and honor their own paths. While I cannot walk anyone else’s path, I can walk beside them, offering guidance and presence throughout their journey.


  • Embarking on an experience of altered-state of consciouness is like diving into the vast ocean of your mind. I provide preparation and guidance, ensuring a safe and meaningful exploration of the depths, helping you emerge with clarity and harvesting the insights from your dive.

    If you are interested in going through a profound experience of an altered-state of conciousness in a group setting and embedded in a carefully curated 3 month program, please visit the website of the Evolute Institute, where I contribute as lead faciliatator, for more information.

  • After a profound experience of an altered-state of consciousness, integrating your insights can be like learning to surf. I help you maintain balance, harness the energy of your experience, and ride the wave towards a deeper understanding and personal growth and well-being.

  • Grief can feel like a turbulent sea, with emotions crashing over us in powerful waves. I provide a safe harbor, offering compassionate support as you ride these waves, finding calm and peace amidst the storm.

    If you are interested in Grief Work at your company or are looking for group trainings or consultation, please visit the website of OMDB where, together with my partner Cori Moore, we offer services tailored to the needs of organisations and companies

  • I provide emotional and spiritual end-of-life care as you or a loved one prepares to return to the ocean of life. I approach this work with deep humility and care, respecting each person's wishes and boundaries without imposing any beliefs or values. The dying person decides the direction and pace, while I serve to the best of my ability.

About me

  • Facilitator of altered states of consciousness

  • Integration Coach

  • Grief Counsellor

  • End-of-life Companion

Hi, my name is Patrick. I was born and raised in Austria to a French mother and an Austrian father, alongside my two older brothers. After living in Spain and Belgium, I moved to Germany, where I currently live in Berlin with my partner.

I hold a master’s degree in political science, which - at first - might seem quite unrelated to my current work. However, my interest has always been in the philosophical questions within politics, such as "What is a good life?" and "How can we create a just and fair society?" I was particularly intrigued by the moral reasoning behind ethical principles in areas like euthanasia. It’s fair to say I’ve always been drawn to the fundamental questions of life - and to people. Which eventually led me to become a coach. Initially, I focused on communication and storytelling, then expanded my interests to leadership and personal development.

A significant personal and professional shift happened when I had my first profound experience of an altered state of consciousness. This experience provided deep insights into topics that had intrigued -but also haunted - me, especially my relationship with loss, grief, and death. What followed was a long journey of self-discovery and learning.
At first, I had no idea where this journey would lead. But over time, life unfolded in a way that guided me to help others through similar experiences and processes. I trained and became certified in integration work, facilitation of altered states of consciousness, grief work, and emotional and spiritual end-of-life care.

These two worlds - facilitating and integrating altered states of consciousness on one hand, and grief work and end-of-life care on the other - are deeply interconnected for me. Acute grief and the dying process are, in themselves, altered states of consciousness. Guiding people through these realms is both an honor and a responsibility, one that I approach with care, presence, and a non-directive mindset.

I feel fortunate to work in these areas alongside wonderful colleagues. In addition to my own offerings, I collaborate with the Evolute Institute, facilitating altered states of consciousness as part of an outstanding three-month personal development program. I also work with the wonderful Cori Moore, with whom I co-founded OMDB, where we offer grief work, trainings, and workshops for organizations and companies.

In the meantime my own journey continues as well. I am grateful to learn from ongoing trainings, my colleagues, and my supervisors and mentors, while I further explore my own consciousness and deepen my understanding of loss, grief and death.
Like all of us, I keep on practicing riding the waves of life.

Get in touch

If you are interested in working together, feel free to reach out and schedule a free introductory call at: